Advance Wars by Web - Free Browser Game

December 17, 2008
archive gaming

Advance Wars is one of the best turn based strategy games ever. Each separate games offers balance between both opponents without one side having an obvious advantage (like with the leveling system of Fire Emblem). A website called Advance Wars by Web lets users play Advance Wars online against other players through a simple web interface. Those who are familiar with the Gameboy Advance series should be able to get comfortable with the AWBW interface quickly.

Make sure you have Javascript enabled before you try to play as the website uses Javascript for the unit drop down menus.

AWBW also offers ladder groups in which players compete to be the best player in each particular ladder. Each ladder has it’s own rules set ranging from fog of war to a recreation of Advance Wars 1 (by removing the new features, units and commanding officers).

If you decide to play message me for a game; My AWBW username is Pobega.

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